Making a claim - a claim sheet
Name and surname:
Phone N.:
HTK Group s.r.o.
Zápská 1795
250 01 Brandýs nad Labem
IČ: 27152227
DIČ: CZ27152227
Claimed goods:
Products number:
Date of sale:
Purchasing document number or order number:
Default description:
Contents of the package on delivery:
Preferred way of handling the complaint (Before choosing the way of handling the complaint, please read the section "Rights and obligations arising from defective performance" of the Terms and Conditions):
(a) repair
(b) exchange
(c) discount
(d) withdrawal
I expect the complaint to be settled within 30 calendar days at the latest.
At the same time, I ask you to issue a written confirmation of the claim, stating when I have exercised the right, what is the content of the claim together with the selected claim, and subsequently to issue a confirmation of the date and method of handling the claim, including its duration.
Claim date:
Buyer's signature: